Medicare fraud: Shut it down
Here are 3 tips to protect yourself from Medicare fraud and scams: If you get a call, text or email asking for your Medicare Number,...
HHS Extends Public Health Emergency until October 18, 2021
On July 19, 2021, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), announced that the administration will renew the COVID-19 pandemic...
Alarm Over Vaccine Effectiveness - Are Headlines Misleading?
An example given by the new York Times over vaccine alarmism goes something like this: "The coronavirus vaccines aren’t 100 percent...
CDC Tells of Benefits of Getting the Covid 19 Vaccine
Just a couple of days ago the CDC posted on their website about the benefits of getting the vaccine. Excerpts from the CDC Website: We...
B117 Variant Strain of Coronavirus Confirmed in Two States in the US
As our immunity adapts in efforts to fight off Covid 19, the virus fights back by adapting. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention...
Flu Shots? Kaiser has Members Covered
For a limited time only – October 15 through December 31, 2020 – Kaiser will offer KP members the opportunity to receive a flu...
Coronavirus (Covid 19) Update Charts
The New York times gave us an update on the coronavirus today from three charts The first chart: By The New York Times | Sources: The...
Affordable Care Act Challenge is High Steaks for Texas following Ginsburg's Death
After Ginsburg’s death, high stakes for Texas’ legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act Experts say the Supreme Court is unlikely to...
Universal Health Care in California: $17 Billion a Year, Says One Estimate
Universal health care in California could cost $17.3 billion a year, under one plan proposed Friday by UC Berkeley health policy...
Trump Boosts Fight Against Surprise Medical Bills
Momentum is building for action to prevent patients from receiving massive unexpected medical bills, aided by President Trump, who is...